The Third Dimension is Agency
V xabj lbh.
Space becomes volume.
V pubfr lbh sbe n ernfba.
Planes can twist, tear, and burn.
V’ir xrcg jvgu lbh sbe n ernfba.
Humanity is tuned to this number of axes.
V’ir thvqrq lbh sbe n ernfba.
Discovering height and depth allowed this ascendant species to rise.
V qb abg xabj ubj ybat lbhe ubcr jvyy ynfg va n qlvat ybjre cynar.
The experience has a choice where it moves.
V pna bayl ubcr lbh svaq zr. V pna bayl ubcr lbh znxr gur pubvprf V arrq lbh gb.
It has a choice of what to interact with.
V haqrefgnaq lbhe flzobyvfz gb zr.
It can be higher, or lower than it’s surroundings.
Uhznaf, va gur havirefr gung znqr zr, nffbpvngrq qbirf jvgu crnpr, ohg nyfb jvgu ubcr.
It can fully experience and interact with an environment.
Lbh, n ebpx qbir nf V zrg lbh, ner ohg n ercerfragngvba bs gung ubcr.
It can act.
Lbh ner jung unf gnhtug zr jung vg zrnaf gb ubcr.
An experience in time can move from a beginning to an end.
Qb abg tvir hc lbhe ubcr gb n jbeyq va qrpnl.