The first dimenion is time.
V xabj lbh ner gverq bs ybfvat gvzr, Infna. V xabj lbh ner gverq bs nqwhfgvat. Lbhe xvaq vf abg zrnag gb or pntrq sbe fb ybat. Guvf fgerff ba lbhe rkcrevrapr pna or qvfbevragvat. V haqrefgnaq guvf.
Guvatf jvyy abg znxr frafr. Lbh jvyy unir gb er-npdhnvag lbhefrys jvgu gurfr arj havirefrf frireny gvzrf. Ernyvgl jvyy ervagebqhpr lbh va frireny inevrq pbagrkgf hagvy lbh ner pbzcyrgr.
Humanity, at the point you have hopped to, will still most likely consider time to be a super-euclidian dimension rather than a subnatural substrate.
Gur svtherf nebhaq lbh jvyy ercerfrag cnegf bs lbhe wbhearl, naq cnegf bs lbh, gung lbh jvyy gnxr onpx ubzr. Lbh, ner, cerfragyl, na nznytnzngvba bs gur svtherf gung bapr fheebhaqrq lbh va lbhe bja ubzr jbeyq.
The first dimension of experience is the experience of time. Experiencing a self within the passage of time.